With so many channels available to us and so many jobs to do to get a sale it can be overwhelming getting your head around what to say on social. At So Bold Anna and I have been coming up with plans and strategies for our clients since Social began, (yep, we are that young!).
Here are a few So Bold tips to get you started:
Having A PLAN saves time and allows you to be creative. It can be too time consuming to do all your social as you go, we recommend that you have a plan for the framework of your posts and then you can happily add in those inspiring last-minute posts as you go;
Think about WHO your customers are, age and interests will give you a good guide around which channels will work best for you, but if you have Social pages already you may know where you connect best with your audience - remember you don't have to be everywhere!
Why do customers buy your product? THE WHY is the place to start on Social as it triggers the need to buy;
YOUR VOICE makes your Social pages unique, is your business formal? Do you love a good chat with customers? Are you creative? Are your products visual? Are your customers curious about how your product works? Can you put your customer in the picture so to speak?
WHEN do your customers browse and when do they buy?
With these elements listed, you can prepare a well-informed CONTENT CALENDAR PLAN with:
Days of the Week; Seasons; Special Occasions etc
Does Mother’s/Father’s Day impact on your business, Christmas, School Holidays, local trade shows, Beauty Routines, Se
asonal Food Types, Flowers in season? If so, write these into your content calendar plan;
What time of day do your customers
seek your type of business out? This will inform what time is best to post. (Will they look during work hours? Do they find you in the evening while relaxing and browsing? Do they look for you on their way to purchase?);
What Stories/Products to feature? (Wha
t attracts interest? What do you want to show them? Do you have a new product or new ways to buy?);
Tone of voice, (chatty, informative, formal, engaging, interactive);
Visuals - be consistent with your branding, your logos (are they adapted for social?), use your brand colours, develop your own photo/video style.
Decide how often you want to post, once a day, weekly, morning and afternoon?
Look at the variety of posts you want to include, how you want to mix it up, funny, formal, competitions, poles, blog posts.
Now you can create a Content Calendar Plan and begin to fill it in with great posts about your business - Google has many free Content Planning templates or you can simply set up a plan using an Excel spreadsheet.
Embrace THE WHY of your business and the rest will follow. We pinky promise!
By Mercedes Bagnall

We are So Bold Marketing Ireland
SMarketing Solutions + Mentoring for Hospitality, Tourism & SMEs. Specialising in Content Creation & Social Activation. We can Show-You-How-To, or we can Do-It-For-You, or maybe you will need A-Bit-of-Both